Every year I have the wonderful opportunity to produce and travel on this cruise. I can't begin to tell you all the wonderful memories I have from the past 20 years.
Each year there is always a special moment, show or event that touches my heart, but I have to say, I think that without a doubt my fondest memory is of Adele. Her sister Patricia and Patricia's husband traveled with us on our 2001 cruise. They had such a wonderful time that they decided to plan a family get together on the following year. What made this so special is that Adele was suffering from Lou Gehrig's disease and this trip was for not only for Adele, but for her sisters to spend what little time she had left all together on this cruise.
Adele was a big fan of our Elvis impersonator, Stacey Wayne and Stacey went out of his way every night to find Adele in the crowd and sing to her. On our last night, Stacey made sure that Adele was on the stage with just him and he sang just to her. Not a dry eye in the place.
Adele passed right before our sailing the following year. We all took a moment to remember Adele, and Stacey dedicated his performance that night to her. We've had a few passengers over the years pass away and with the recent passing of Rob Grill from the Grass Roots, it is nice to remember that we all have these special moments in our life. Take time to stop and remember. If you've traveled with us before on this cruise, I hope you'll remember your time onboard fondly. If this is your first cruise with us, welcome to the family.
I look forward to welcoming you onboard this January!
Tammy Selee
Awww. That's kind of a sad story. I remember on our very first cruise that all 5 of the Original Comets played that year. What a thrill! Now - 2 of those 5 are in Rock-n-Roll Heaven and another one is retired. Only 2 of those guys left rocking the audience in Branson, MO. It is so worthwhile to be on these cruises with the originals that started and developed the Rock-n-Roll genre that is the basis of so much of today's music. You never know if there's a next cruise or not........ but right now you can cruise and meet the guys who got it all started. Even have coffee with them.